The Council's Finances
Stratton St Margaret Parish Council is open and transparent about the way it manages its finances. This page contains information on the way the Council protects its finances and what it has spent money on.
All documents are in PDF format and will open in a separate window. If you have any issues accessing the documents please get in touch and we can either email or send you a hard copy.
Our email address is: [email protected]
or call us on: (01793) 823761 during office hours.
The Parish Council receives the majority of its income through the precept; an annual sum of money collected with the Council Tax by Swindon Borough Council. The precept is set by the council in annum. The rest of the Council’s income is from rental income, burial fees, grants, and CIL funding.
The precept is the element of the Council Tax which is raised and spent by Stratton St Margaret Parish Council to fund the services it provides. As a Parish Council, Stratton St Margaret Parish does not receive any funding from Central Government, nor does it receive any rates from local businesses.
Calculation of Precept 2024/2025
It is a requirement under the Transparency Code for Parish and Town Councils to publish salaries over £50,000 per annum, with this in mind Stratton St Margaret Parish Council can confirm that the Clerk and Proper Officers salary has been evaluated to SCP 50-58 on the National Joint Councils pay scale.
Parish councils are responsible for managing their own budgets. This money is used to improve facilities and services for local people. It shows plans for expenditure and also income other than the precept and is approved by Full Council at the January meeting. The council’s financial year runs from 1 April-31 March.
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Expenditure items over £500
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Annual Governance & Accountability Statement Return (AGAR)
Each year the Council is required to complete and submit to its External Auditor, an Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR). Once the return has been approved by the External Auditor, it is published on the Council’s website. At the same time, the public has the right to inspect the accounts of the council. Details of the inspection period, and the public’s rights are in the following documents.
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